Brewhouse Arrives to its Forever Home
Recently, we opened our arms to welcome our new brewhouse into their forever home at Round Trip Brewing. They arrived from Milwaukee on three flatbed trucks to a space not quite ready for installation so we set them aside while we finished the floors. More equipment will arrive soon including our boiler, mill and grain handling equipment, grist mill and auger, coolers, air compressors, and water filters.
You don’t need a state-of-the-art brewhouse to make great beer, but it helps. We are committed to making the best beer possible and this customized brewhosue moves us a step closer.
Worried Brewer
Delicate Situation
It’s a tense moment for any brewer when the larger tanks come off the truck.
While the smaller tanks come off relatively easily, it takes a lot of special maneuvering and considerations for the larger tanks.
No tanks were harmed in the transfer from the trucks to the brewery.
Meet the Brewhouse
We worked closely with Probrew to outfit us with a three vessel 15 barrel (BBL) brewhouse. It incorporates a dedicated mash tun that collects final runnings from the previous batch, making it highly efficient. The kettles have a beautiful, German-style dish top design which will be viewable from the taproom. The equipment allows for both double batches and one-off tap room creations.
- Mash tun, 15 BBL
- Lauter Tun, 15 BBL
- Brew kettle / Whirlpool, 15 BBL
- Hot liquor tank
- Cold liquor tank
- Brite tank, 30 BBL
- Two 30 BBL fermenters
- Three 7 BBL fermenters
- Four 7 BBL serving tanks
First Impressions of the brew deck
The stainless steel brew deck gives us direct access to all the brewing vessels and brewing functions. Check out Brewer Craig Mycoskie as he sneaks into the truck to take a first look at the brew deck.